Bid Time: 2:00 PM
Deliver Bids To:
Narrative: Pogue Construction is the selected General Contractor for this project. The scope of work for this project includes a new 573,000 sqft, two-story high school building, a new 76,000 sqft multi-purpose building and multiple sports related out buildings.
Structural Foundation Drawings will be issued in an Addendum.
PISD is open to voluntary VE options for this project. In the course of preparing your proposal, please list any voluntary VE items that are applicable to your scope of work
The Concrete Scope will be Bid in multiple Bid Packages and should be bid as either or (Please provide a Voluntary Alternate is any cost savings for being awarded both packages.)
03A- Concrete (High School Bldg & Outbuildings) will include the High School Building, Courtyards, Mechanical Yards, Steps, Ramps, Planters, Screen Walls, Multi-Purpose Bldg, Concessions Bldgs, Ticket Bldgs, Pump House Bldg, Batting Cage Bldgs, Dugouts. Refer to the Bid Packages that will be issued no later than February 21st for additional information.
03B- Concrete (Sitework, Flatwork, and Paving) will include the all site related concrete flatwork and paving. This scope of work will be issued in the Site Package set of documents, currently projected to be bid out on 4/25/2023.
The Masonry Scope will be Bid in two sperate Bid Packages and should be bid as either or (Please provide a Voluntary Alternate is any cost savings for being awarded both packages.)
04A- Masonry (High School Bldg & Appurtenances) will include the High School Building, Courtyards, Mechanical Yards, Steps, Ramps, Planters, Screen Walls. Refer to the Bid Packages that will be issued no later than February 21st for additional information.
04B- Masonry (Outbuildings & Site) will include the Multi-Purpose Bldg, Concessions Bldgs, Ticket Bldgs, Pump House Bldg, Batting Cage Bldgs, Dugouts. Refer to the Bid Packages for additional information.
The Roofing Scope will be Bid in two sperate Bid Packages and should be bid as either or (Please provide a Voluntary Alternate is any cost savings for being awarded both packages.)
07C- Roofing and Sheetmetal (High School Bldg & Appurtenances) will include the High School Building, Courtyards, Mechanical Yards, Planters, Screen Walls. Refer to the Bid Packages that will be issued no later than February 21st for additional information.
07D- Roofing and Sheetmetal (Outbuildings & Site) will include the Multi-Purpose Bldg, Concessions Bldgs, Ticket Bldgs, Pump House Bldg, Batting Cage Bldgs, Dugouts. Refer to the Bid Packages for additional information.
The Electrical Scope will be Bid in two sperate Bid Packages and should be bid as either or (Please provide a Voluntary Alternate is any cost savings for being awarded both packages.)
26A- Electrical (High School)
26b- Electrical (Multi-Purpose Bldg) will include all electrical work within the MPF building footprint.
We will require accounting breakouts for the following: (we need to check these page references and scope)
Site Work
High School Building, Area A thru S per A1.01 & A1.02
Multi-Purpose Facility, Area T, U & V per A1.03
Concessions, Football Area W per A1.25
Concessions, Baseball Area X per A1.25
Batting Cage, Baseball Area Y per A1.25
Ticketing, Area Z per A1.25
Ticketing, Area AA per A1.25
Ticketing, Area BB per A1.25
Batting Cage, Softball Area CC per A1.25
Pump Room Area DD per A1.25